I'm starting a new blog because sometimes I just like to chuck everything out and start anew. Mr. Mewkersons and I used to move from apartment to apartment this way, leaving all sorts of furniture in our wake because it was just easier to leave it there than cart that sh*t to a new place. Yeah, we're frickin lazy.
Anyhoo, Mr. Mewkersons and I are having a baby. See infra:
Hello, little Mewkersons.
It is strange to me that you need to pass a test to drive a car, but anyone can have a baby. Every electronic device I've ever purchased comes with a very long and detailed instruction guide, with pictures and an index. From what I hear, babies arrive completely naked, no batteries or accessories or how-to guide included.
I don't know how to take care of a baby, because that subject was not covered at school or in my SAT or LSAT prep books. I've ordered a bunch of books and and google things like "what do newborn babies wear" on a daily basis, but I am not confident that that will get me that 800 if you know what I mean.
Helpful diagram
I learned two weeks ago that babies are not supposed to eat peanut butter, in case they have allergies. How am I supposed to have known that? My life experience dictates otherwise -- for instance, Nikklebikkles loves peanut butter, as do I. Sometimes we hang out on the sofa and eat spoonfuls of peanut butter together (if we are sharing a spoon, I get to go first). So this baby may not survive for very long. Particularly if my history with plants and pets more sensitive to lack of water, food and general care are any indication. I once killed a cactus by accident. That's not easy to do. Bichons apparently are very hardy, despite their delicate appearance.
More peanut butterz plz?
I'm at 33 weeks as of today, which leaves me 7 more weeks to learn about babies and watch the rest of Friday Night Lights on Netflix. Go Panthers!