One of the awesome things that can happen to your body when you get pregnant is that parts other than your glorious womb can swell like freaking camel humps. It doesn't happen to everyone. Only the truly lucky, such as moi. My feet and legs decided that it needed to retain every drop of water I drank starting from April till the day I gave birth, at the end of August. By the end of it my legs were starting to look like elephant legs. I would post a picture but it would sear your eyes, so I will instead post a pic from the earlier stages of swelling:
There is no treatment for this. You just live with it. If it's benign swelling it doesn't hurt; it just looks freaking gross. It wouldn't have been so bad except that it was summer, and there was no hiding my Jeezilla feet in flip-flops. Every OBGYN appointment my rail-thin non-swollen doctor would ask if anything was of concern, and I would say, "the swelling", and she would cluck empathetically and say, "have you tried compression stockings?"
I in fact did try compression stockings, which Jeezsister got me from the hospital. Voila:
My doctor would say, "the stockings are probably not too comfortable to wear in the summer." Oh really? Probably not?
Let's put aside the fact that the stockings make my legs look like gigantic tapeworms with little bloody orange mouths. What you're telling me is that the way to solve the discomfort I feel from the appearance of my swollen feet is to wear these? "Oh no one will notice the swelling now." I guess that is true, because people would be too busy wondering why I've dressed up like a giant toddler in white tights.
Suffice it to say that I did not end up wearing these. However, I do have a very nice collection of compression stockings in various sizes that you could use for a Halloween costume, as bungee cords, etc.
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