Thursday, January 19, 2012


For those unfamiliar with kiddy contraptions, the Bumbo looks like a giant plastic Dot candy with the shape of a baby bottom carved out of it. See photo infra.

Basically you stick your baby in it when you don't want to hold her anymore.

According to its website, the Bumbo will make your baby totally and completely awesome:

"The seat stabilizes the child into slight hip flexion, placing the pelvis in a slight anterior pelvic tilt which facilitates lumbar extension. This action, combined with the gentle curve of the seat back that matches the natural curve of the rib cage, facilitates the baby around the lower ribs and trunk for stabilization. The Seat allows for active practice of the head and postural trunk control. It also allows a child the pelvic stability needed to get the hands into the midline for play. Upright positioning facilitates an improved visual field of the environment, improved respirations and breath control, assists a baby who needs to be upright after feeding due to reflux and many other benefits."

Well, I dunno about you guys, but the Bumbo makes my baby crap her pants. Every.freaking.time. I stick her in, I walk away, she whines, I return, and a hideously familiar stench hits my face. And it's never a regular poo--it's a hurry-and-fill-the-baby-bathtub blowout. They should add that to the website description. "In addition, regular use of the Seat will encourage and facilitate bowel evacuation and permit the child to be poo-free (on the inside)."

1 comment:

  1. You know, I'm like that with folding chairs. V and I totally get each other.
