From 12 AM to 11:59 PM:
12 AM: I engage in my night time ministrations and go to sleep.
3:45 AM: baby cries in co-sleeper (mini crib) next to me. I grab bottle from beside the bed and feed her. Half the time she drops off back to sleep after the bottle. Half the time she doesn't. She hates me today so she starts whimpering after she finishes the bottle. Ugh. She stops. Ahh. The whimpering starts again. Fuck. And grows louder. Nooo, pleeeaaase. She begins to wail. I feel around her bottom and feel wetness. NOOOO. I turn on the light and zip open her sleep sack. She has pooed and it has leaked. AWESOME. The room is too bright and now the baby is really pissed off. I try to remove a poo filled diaper from a screaming, kicking baby without smearing poo everywhere. Then I take off her clothes, wipe her down and get a new diaper on. Finally I get her to calm down, grab a clean sleep sack and lay her down next to me in the bed. I am afraid to put her too close to jonker, who would surely roll over and crush her without so much as a snore, so we lay side by side on my half of the bed. I wedge a stuffed animal between us so that we don't roll into each other, and lay stiff like a mummy to prevent inadvertent crushing of baby. The baby reaches over and pulls my hair. I twist my head out of her reach, and we fall asleep.
6:20 AM: baby cries. When I sleep like a mummy my muscles tense up, as if to remember not to loosen and roll about, and I wake up in incredible pain. My neck also hurts from putting my head at a 90 degree angle to my neck. I try to soothe the baby but she continues to cry. Jonker was in the bathroom at the time, and comes out and takes baby. I fall back into bed and drift into unconsciousness.
7:00 AM: I am woken up by whining baby who Jonker has brought back to bed. I try to go back to sleep for 30 minutes but it's like trying to ignore gentle stabbing in my ear. Jonker begs me to take her so that he can go back to sleep. UGH fine. I give baby a bottle with one hand surf the net on my iphone with the other. I prop the bottle up with trusty stuffed animal so I can go brush my teeth and wash my face. I check my email and the interwebz to find out what is going on in the world.
8:15 AM: Diaper change. I take off the sleepsack and dress her while baby tries to lunge and knock down everything within a 2 foot radius and tries to head dive off the changing table.
8:25 AM: I clean up the empty bottles from the bedroom and we play on the couch. Or, she stands next to me on the couch, gleefully pulling my hair and trying to scratch my eyes out, while I pretend to eat her stomach. NOMNOMNOM.
8:40 AM: Nap time! I put her down and watch her make out with Pengypengypengy (her penguin doll) through a monitor. I can't do anything until I know she is asleep in case she freaks out and refuses to nap.
9 AM: She falls asleep. I now have 30 minutes to do whatever I want. Oh the freedom! This is what dogs feel like when they go to the park and get taken off the leash. I consider also taking a nap but now I am wide awake. I decide to do laundry and make coffee instead. I guess I am not as awake as I thought I was because I just poured the water for the coffee into the funnel where the coffee grinds go, and have drowned my coffee grinds.
9:45 AM: The gods have shone me their favor. The baby has taken a rare 45 minute nap. I bring her into the kitchen where I sit her down on the counter, anchor her down by putting a full plastic gallon water jug between her legs, and put away the dishes and utensils on the drying racks. Baby gets another bottle and I change her diaper. I google whether it's possible to burn the nonstick coating off of a pan. What I really want to know is whether that will cause the pan to burn your food thereafter. Because this is what my pan appears to be doing. But my google skills suck and this is still a mystery to me. I google our pan to see how much a replacement would cost. Hrm, more than I am willing to spend to replace a pan that may or may not be burning my food.
10:30 AM: I stick the baby on the middle of our bed and turn on the tv so that I can vaccuum the other rooms. Yeah yeah, bad mom, whatever. But clean apartment! I retrieve baby and google dinner recipes and settle on chicken marsala.
11:30 AM: My mom calls and says she would like to come over. She'll be here in an hour. Cue me cleaning like mad. If there is one thing I can't stand, it's my mother's passive aggressive comments about the state of my apartment.
12:10 PM: Shit, the baby goes down for a nap every two hours and I am late by 25 minutes. No wonder she's been acting like a beeyotch. Down for a nap she goes. I jump in the shower, start getting ready in the bathroom, see the baby wake up on the monitor, go get the baby and plop her down on the bathroom floor so she can watch me move like jagger.
1 PM: I hear my mom at the door, go out, supervise the grandma/baby reunion to make sure the baby doesn't freak out and go back to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I go out to Subway and the supermarket to buy us lunch and come back. We eat and gossip while baby gets another bottle. My mom mentions that she changed her while I went out and her pants are wet but she didn't take them off because the baby was going kamikaze on the changing pad again. I change her pants and try not to think about every place the baby sat that now has microscopic bits of pee on it. Mom watches me feed the baby zucchini and butternut squash.
2:15 PM: alerts me to some nonsense that AMEX is doing to me and I call and fix it. Mom leaves and I prepare for our outing to the park. I need: stroller, wallet, keys, diaper, wipes, changing pad, outdoor blanket, bottle and formula, earphones, toys, purell, plastic bags to hold dirty diapers and other garbage, hat. We get outside and I realize I forgot my water bottle. Sigh. On the way to the park we stop at 16 Handles, which after 2 PM is full of little kids. I usually avoid going after school lets out and I think from now on I will continue to do this because the place smelled like a poo diaper. The 16 Handles guy who was monitoring the froyo machines even asked me if I smelled something bad. As I wait in line the little kids with their huge buckets of froyo sit and chatter and I watch America get fat.
3:00 PM: We get to the park and go to the playground. I stick the baby in a swing and push her a little too hard and a little too high. Eff you, she likes it. The weird looking baby in the adjacent swing is staring at me. I try to ignore it. We leave the playground and start trekking down the loop headed downtown. The baby falls asleep. I stop at a grassy spot about half a mile down, spread out the blanket and collapse. I want to sleep but have to make sure that no one steals my baby. I surf the net on my iPhone until the baby wakes up 30 minutes later. I change her, feed her, she plays with her toys, she throws up on the blanket, I clean up the throw up, pack everything up and head back home, picking up groceries on the way.
5:30 PM: I try to mash nectarines up for the baby and realize that the nectarines suck and taste like shit. I give her a mum-mum (baby cracker) while I make another bottle, and grab her bath stuff. I undress her, clean the poo off her butt and put her in the bath, during which I talk to her in my fake French man voice ("ehhmmm welcome to le spa, little bebe"). Then it's lotion time, and I dress her and into the bedroom for her bedtime stories and last bottle.
6:50 PM: I put her in her sleep sack and put her down in the co sleeper. She starts wailing. She used to make out with her sleepytime friends and then just go to sleep but this stopped at some recent point and has been replaced by shrieking. I have no idea how to fix this. She cries for about 10 minutes before I go and pick her up. After she settles down I try to put her in my bed. Again, great big tears and screams, but this time she stops after 10 minutes and goes to sleep. Can't wait to sleep like a mummy again tonight.
7:30 PM: I fold laundry, clean up the bath stuff, unpack the stroller, load the dishwasher with dirty dishes/bottles. I pack the baby's diaper bag for a trip to a friend's tomorrow (change of clothes, diapers, wipes, changing pad, bottles, formula, meal of apple/pear, purell, plastic bags). I put away the folded laundry. I plan to bake a sweet potato for the baby to eat, but I get tired, eat chinese food and reluctantly watch NCIS with jonker (hate that show), read a few pages of Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (at my current rate, I will finish it in 2014), lay down on the bed next to the baby with my arms straight down by my sides and go to sleep at 11.
Fairly epic. My favorite part is your talking to V like a French man. How did you come up with that? Was that in an outtake of the Sound of Music or something?
ReplyDeleteI started pretending that we were in a upscale baby spa, I think mostly to amuse myself. The french man also does some diaper changes now.