Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mom Friends II

I decided that I have to make more of an effort to make mom friends.  They were not going to come up to me, so I would initiate.

OK!  I told this dad who has this tiny little girl, "her feet are so cute!".  The girl is 15 months or a little older, but she is very petite and has feet the size of a 6 month old.  She basically looks like a walking 6 month old.  The dad said, "yeah, thanks!" and we went onto have a conversation about baby shoes, how expensive they are, and how there must be a black market for used baby shoes that we have been excluded from (his idea, not mine).  I gave myself a pat on the back and two gold stars.

But it ended there.  He and his impossibly tiny daughter left the sandbox and went to laugh casually with the other adults ("ha-ha-ha! Oh Roger, you are so funny"), while I sat with my outcast, sand-throwing daughter.

What went wrong?

Maybe I weirded them out by staring too much.  Would you be creeped out by the sight of this young woman, intently focused on you, day after day?

I was going for friendly.  "Come talk to me.  Come on.  I'm not a psycho killer.  We can share some of my daughter's snacks.  She's too little to fight us.  Come over here."  No?

Maybe they can sense that I am being fake.  Maybe I should have said, "Hey, have you asked a pediatrician why your daughter's feet are small?  Are you sure that is not a medical problem?  There is a reason why there is no black market for used baby shoes.  Have you seen used baby shoes?  They look like a dog chewed on them and got shoved up someone's butt."  Then we could have become best friends forever.  Me + Roger 4eva.


  1. This is Roger. Wow. You're weirder than I thought. Actually, I take it back. You're just as weird as I thought.

  2. I recognized your handle but I still had a moment of OMFGFFF!
